Ingredienti per 16 pezzi/16 Pezzi al 100% (quantità netta)
- 250 gr Alalunga ‘a cubetti’
- 3 gr Aglio ‘tritato’
- 8 gr Zenzero
- 4 gr Semi di papavero blu
- 4 gr Semi di finocchio
- 20 gr Prezzemolo ’10+10 tritato grossolano’
- 6 gr Sale fino
- 3 gr Zucchero semolato
- 10 gr Olio extra vergine di oliva
Per panare
- 180 gr Uova intere
- 25 gr Grana padano ‘grattugiato’
- 3 gr Sale fino
- 0,5 gr Pepe nero macinato
- 300 gr Pane panko
- 600 gr Olio di girasole
Per finire
- 32 gr Cipolle Di Giarratana brasate con grappa di Syrah, soia e peperoncino.
- 2 gr Zenzero ’32 filetti’
Con tutti gli ingredienti condire il pesce e preparare delle palline da 16 grammi.
Preparare le uova per panare, mettendole insieme al sale, il grana, il pepe e sbattere bene.
Nel pane panko aggiungere il prezzemolo tritato e panare le crocchette.
Friggerle delicatamente. Salare.
Su ogni crocchetta creare un ricciolo di cipolla e decorare con dello Zenzero.
Nutrienti per pezzi al 100% per 100gr o 100ml al 100%
Energia KJ 1549,06 N/D
Energia kcal 370,41 N/D
Cereali contenenti glutine, Latte, Uova, Pesce, Soia, Anidride solforosa e solfiti
Suscipit fuga quod unde molestias accusantium praesentium officia asperiores, ipsa itaque. Doloribus ipsum neque nihil magni labore. Voluptates at, temporibus quam eos iure ullam lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Magnam modi laudantium, autem, quasi eligendi possimus suscipit fuga quod unde molestias accusantium praesentium officia asperiores, ipsa itaque. Doloribus ipsum neque nihil magni labore. Voluptates at, temporibus quam eos iure ullam lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eaque repellendus dolores nemo deleniti quaerat dicta delectus odit a perspiciatis similique necessitatibus, reiciendis possimus fugiat dolorem!
As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values.
As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values. As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values.
As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values. As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values. As others have said both are valid and will do the trick. I’m not 100% convinced that they are identical though. If you have some style cascading going on then they could in theory produce different results since they are effectively overriding different values.